Traffic Vault Administration

Currently, the supported backends for Traffic Vault are PostgreSQL and Riak, but Riak support is deprecated and may be removed in a future release. More backends may be supported in the future.


In order to use the PostgreSQL backend for Traffic Vault, you will need to set the traffic_vault_backend option to "postgres" and include the necessary configuration in the traffic_vault_config section in cdn.conf. The traffic_vault_config options for the PostgreSQL backend are as follows:


The name of the database to use


The hostname of the database server to connect to


The password to use when connecting to the database


The port number that the database listens for new connections on (NOTE: the PostgreSQL default is 5432)


The username to use when connecting to the database


The location on-disk for a base64-encoded AES key used to encrypt secrets before they are stored. It is highly recommended to backup this key to a safe, secure storage location, because if it is lost, you will lose access to all your Traffic Vault data. Either this option or hashicorp_vault must be used.


This group of configuration options is for fetching the base64-encoded AES key from HashiCorp Vault. This uses the AppRole authentication method.


The address of the HashiCorp Vault server, e.g. http://localhost:8200


The RoleID of the AppRole.


The SecretID issued against the AppRole.


The URI path where the secret AES key is located, e.g. /v1/secret/data/trafficvault. The secret should be stored using the KV Secrets Engine with a key of traffic_vault_key and value of a base64-encoded AES key, e.g. traffic_vault_key='WoFc86CisM1aXo8D5GvDnq2h9kjULuIP4upaqX15SRc='.


Optional. The URI path used to login with the AppRole method. Default: /v1/auth/approle/login


Optional. The timeout (in seconds) for requests. Default: 30


Optional. Disable server certificate verification. This should only be used for testing purposes. Default: false


Optional. The maximum amount of time (in seconds) a connection may be reused. If negative, connections are not closed due to a connection’s age. If 0 or unset, the default of 60 is used.


Optional. The maximum number of open connections to the database. Default: 0 (unlimited)


Optional. The maximum number of connections in the idle connection pool. If negative, no idle connections are retained. If 0 or unset, the default of 30 is used.


Optional. The duration (in seconds) after which database queries will time out and be cancelled. Default: 30


Optional. Whether or not to use SSL to connect to the database. Default: false

Example cdn.conf snippet:

    "traffic_ops_golang": {
        "traffic_vault_backend": "postgres",
        "traffic_vault_config": {
            "dbname": "tv_development",
            "hostname": "localhost",
            "user": "traffic_vault",
            "password": "twelve",
            "port": 5432,
            "ssl": false,
            "conn_max_lifetime_seconds": 60,
            "max_connections": 500,
            "max_idle_connections": 30,
            "query_timeout_seconds": 10,
            "aes_key_location": "/opt/traffic_ops/app/conf/tv.key"

Administration of the PostgreSQL database for Traffic Vault

Similar to administering the Traffic Ops database, the admin tool should be used for administering the PostgreSQL Traffic Vault backend.


The reencrypt binary is used to re-encrypt all data in the Postgres Traffic Vault with a new base64-encoded AES key.


For proper resolution of configuration files, it’s recommended that this binary be run from the app/db/reencrypt directory.


./reencrypt [options]

Options and Arguments

--new-key NEW_KEY

(Optional) The file path for the new base64-encoded AES key. Default is /opt/traffic_ops/app/conf/new.key.

--previous-key PREVIOUS_KEY

(Optional) The file path for the previous base64-encoded AES key. Default is /opt/traffic_ops/app/conf/aes.key.


(Optional) The path for the configuration file. Default is ./reencrypt.conf.


(Optional) Print usage information and exit.

#64 Example Usage
./reencrypt --new-key ~/exampleNewKey.txt --previous-key ~/exampleOldKey.txt


This file deals with configuration of the Traffic Vault Database to be used with the reencrypt tool.


The name of the PostgreSQL database used.


The hostname (FQDN) of the server that runs the Traffic Vault Database.


The password to use when authenticating with the Traffic Vault database.


The port number on which the Traffic Vault Database is listening for incoming connections (NOTE: the PostgreSQL default is 5432).


A boolean that sets whether or not the Traffic Vault Database encrypts its connections with SSL.


The name of the user as whom to connect to the database.

Riak (deprecated)

Deprecated since version ATCv6: The Riak Traffic Vault backend is deprecated and support may be removed in a future release. It is highly recommended to use the PostgreSQL Traffic Vault backend instead.

In order to use the Riak backend for Traffic Vault, you will need to set the traffic_vault_backend option to "riak" and include the necessary configuration in the traffic_vault_config section in cdn.conf. The traffic_vault_config options for the Riak backend are as follows:


The password to use when authenticating with Riak


The username to use when authenticating with Riak


The Riak protobuf port to connect to. Default: 8087


Optional. Certain TLS options from the tls.Config struct options may be included here, such as insecureSkipVerify: true to disable certificate validation in order to use self-signed certificates for test/development purposes.


Optional. This is the highest TLS version that Traffic Ops is allowed to use to connect to Traffic Vault. Valid values are “1.0”, “1.1”, “1.2”, and “1.3”. The default is “1.1”.


Enabling TLS 1.1 in Riak itself is required for Traffic Ops to communicate with Riak. See Enabling TLS 1.1 for details.

Example cdn.conf snippet:

    "traffic_ops_golang": {
        "traffic_vault_backend": "riak",
        "traffic_vault_config": {
            "user": "riakuser",
            "password": "password",
            "MaxTLSVersion": "1.1",
            "port": 8087

Installing the Riak backend for Traffic Vault

In order to successfully store private keys you will need to install Riak. The latest version of Riak can be downloaded on the Riak website. The installation instructions for Riak can be found here. Based on experience, version 2.0.5 of Riak is recommended, but the latest version should suffice.

Configuring Riak

Follow these steps to configure Riak in a production environment.

Self Signed Certificate configuration


Self-signed certificates are not recommended for production use. Intended for development or learning purposes only. Modify subject as necessary.

#65 Self-Signed Certificate Configuration
cd ~
mkdir certs
cd certs
openssl genrsa -out ca-bundle.key 2048
openssl req -new -key ca-bundle.key -out ca-bundle.csr -subj "/C=US/ST=CO/L=DEN/O=somecompany/OU=CDN/"
openssl x509 -req -days 365 -in ca-bundle.csr -signkey ca-bundle.key -out ca-bundle.crt
openssl genrsa -out server.key 2048
openssl req -new -key server.key -out server.csr -subj "/C=US/ST=CO/L=DEN/O=somecompany/OU=CDN/"
openssl x509 -req -days 365 -in server.csr -CA ca-bundle.crt -CAkey ca-bundle.key -CAcreateserial -out server.crt
mkdir /etc/riak/certs
mv -f server.crt /etc/riak/certs/.
mv -f server.key /etc/riak/certs/.
mv -f ca-bundle.crt /etc/pki/tls/certs/.

Riak Configuration File

The following steps need to be performed on each Riak server in the cluster:

  1. Log into Riak server as root

  2. Update the following in riak.conf to reflect your IP, hostname, and CDN domains and sub-domains:

    • nodename =

    • listener.http.internal = (port can be 80 - This endpoint will not work over HTTPS)

    • listener.protobuf.internal = (can be different port if you want)

    • listener.https.internal = (port can be 443)

  3. Update the following in riak.conf file to point to your SSL certificate files

    • ssl.certfile = /etc/riak/certs/server.crt

    • ssl.keyfile = /etc/riak/certs/server.key

    • ssl.cacertfile = /etc/pki/tls/certs/ca-bundle.crt

Enabling TLS 1.1 (required)
  1. Add a line at the bottom of the riak.conf for TLSv1.1 by setting tls_protocols.tlsv1.1 = on

  2. Once the configuration file has been updated restart Riak

  3. Consult the Riak documentation for instructions on how to verify the installed service

riak-admin Configuration

riak-admin is a command line utility used to configure Riak that needs to be run as root on a server in the Riak cluster.

#66 Traffic Vault Setup with riak-admin
# This script need only be run on any *one* Riak server in the cluster

# Enable security and secure access groups
riak-admin security enable
riak-admin security add-group admins
riak-admin security add-group keysusers

# User name and password should be stored in the traffic_vault_config section in
# /opt/traffic_ops/app/conf/cdn.conf on the Traffic Ops server (with traffic_vault_backend = riak)
# In this example, we assume the usernames 'admin' and 'riakuser' with
# respective passwords stored in the ADMIN_PASSWORD and RIAK_USER_PASSWORD
# environment variables
riak-admin security add-user admin password=$ADMIN_PASSWORD groups=admins
riak-admin security add-user riakuser password=$RIAK_USER_PASSWORD groups=keysusers
riak-admin security add-source riakuser password
riak-admin security add-source admin password

# Grant privileges to the admins group for everything
riak-admin security grant riak_kv.list_buckets,riak_kv.list_keys,riak_kv.get,riak_kv.put,riak_kv.delete on any to admins

# Grant privileges to keysusers group for SSL, DNSSEC, and url_sig_keys buckets only
riak-admin security grant riak_kv.get,riak_kv.put,riak_kv.delete on default ssl to keysusers
riak-admin security grant riak_kv.get,riak_kv.put,riak_kv.delete on default dnssec to keysusers
riak-admin security grant riak_kv.get,riak_kv.put,riak_kv.delete on default url_sig_keys to keysusers
riak-admin security grant riak_kv.get,riak_kv.put,riak_kv.delete on default cdn_uri_sig_keys to keysusers

See also

For more information on security in Riak, see the Riak Security documentation.

Traffic Ops Configuration

Before a fully set-up Riak instance may be used as the Traffic Vault backend, it must be added as a server to Traffic Ops. The easiest way to accomplish this is via Traffic Portal at Configure ‣ Servers, though servers may also be used by low-level tools and/or scripts. The Traffic Ops configuration file /opt/traffic_ops/app/conf/cdn.conf must be updated to set traffic_vault_backend to "riak" and the traffic_vault_config to include the correct username and password for accessing the Riak database.